Memorial Medical Center offers some the most recent technology to the market by keeping the patient in mind by offering low dose radiation CT scans. Our 64 slice GE Revolution EVO offers exams from heads, chest, abdomens, angio studies, and low dose lung screenings. These are just a few please call Diagnostic Imaging to schedule your study or inquire about a study.

Revolution EVO, you can:

See clearer images
Make low dose routine
Perform more studies in less time
Smart Mar - Metal artifact Reduction - make images that have metal clearer to see anatomy

What is computed tomography?

Computed tomography (CT) is a way of using X-rays to take pictures or images in slices through the part of the body that was ordered. One way to think of it is of taking slices through a loaf of bread.

When you take slices from your loaf of bread, you are able to see much more detail about the structures that make up the loaf. It is likely that this is why your doctor has chosen this test.

The radiographer has taken the scan, these very thin slices can be put all together to reconstruct the body. Once they are put back together, the radiographer can cut it into the slices in any direction that will help the radiologist (a doctor who has specialized in diagnostic imaging) to see the parts of the body that are of interest. Each scan is created specifically for the part of the body of interest and the condition that needs investigation. This will often involve creating several sets of pictures taken in different directions and also some 3-dimensional (3D) pictures.

With all of these different slices and 3D reconstructions, the radiologist will have a very detailed picture of the structures making up your body. This should help them to make a diagnosis (in other words, to understand the cause of your current problems) so that the right treatment can be planned as soon as possible.

How do I prepare for computed tomography?

You will receive instructions from the hospital where you are having the CT scan before your appointment. If you are an inpatient in a hospital, the nurses caring for you will ensure that the appropriate preparations are carried out. These instructions are very important, as they may affect the accuracy of the test or require that the test be rebooked if you are not properly prepared for the CT scan.

Some tests require no preparation, these include: brain, sinus or facial bones, spine, knee or wrist and CTs of the bones.

Many types of CT require an injection of an iodinated contrast material to show blood vessels and some organs. For these tests, most hospital departments will ask you to fast (not eat or drink) before your appointment. Fasting for 2 to 4 hours is common other than an oral drink for the scan that maybe ordered per the body part ordered. Depending on age you maybe required to have labs drawn before the procedure.

The Diagnostic Imaging Department at MMC will give you all instructions when the procedure is scheduled.